Total Beauty Salon

Total Beauty Salon

Jindřišská 973/30, Nové Město, Praha-Praha 1, Česko

Total Beauty Salon - hair & beauty salon in the centrum of Prague whit the professional team of hairdresser, cosmetology, nails service.
We offer:
Wedding hairstyle & Make-up
Cuts & coloring hair
Eyelashes extensions
Manikure & pedicure
We making your unique beauty whit the modern technology and our experience in beauty industry!
Our goal - help you to found your individual style!


Where to find us?

  • Address:
    1. Jindřišská 973/30, Nové Město, Praha-Praha 1, Česko
    • We speak:
      1. Čeština
      2. English
      3. Русский