You will find Iyengar Yoga Institute Prague in the city center close to Wenceslas Square (entrance left from McDonald´s, first floor, see map). In a quiet, beautiful and historic building you will find 2 spacious yoga shalas, reception desk, men and women dressing rooms, 2 showers and bathrooms. Yoga Shala Surya (the big hall) offers practices for approx.
In the Institute with focus mainly on the following: Iyengar yoga, Yoga Therapy, Gravid yoga, Yoga for kids. It is fully equipped with props (mats, blocks, belts, bolsters, chairs, blankets, etc.)
Full morning and afternoon schedule 6 days per week contains general classes, private classes for 1 or 2 students or small groups. The private classes are suitable for clients with special needs or health troubles. We organize workshops, regional or foreign yoga retreats.
Where to find us?