Hair lamination in Prague

Specialists in category "Hair lamination" in the field of Hair (hairdressing)

Lilie Dredy Praha

Krymská 166/43, 101 00 Praha 10-Vršovice

We offer hairdressing services in Prague: afrokosy, dreadlocks, hair extensions, decorative braids (de-braids) and training. With more than 5 years of...

Salon krásy UNO DUE

Vodičkova 677/10, Nové Město, Česko

Welcome to our hairdressing beauty salon UNO DUE in Prague 1 with a wide selection of beauty services. We moved from Prague 2.Here you can find luxury...

Total Beauty Salon

Jindřišská 973/30, Nové Město, Praha-Praha 1, Česko

Total Beauty Salon - hair & beauty salon in the centrum of Prague whit the professional team of hairdresser, cosmetology, nails service. We offer:...

Studio 49

Terronská 49, Praha 6-Bubeneč, Česko

Hairdresser's Prague 6 Dejvice. Our hairdresser in Prague 6 Dejvice, hairdressing studio 49 offers you complete hairdressing services, comfort, family...

BEAUTYSHAPE Hair & Beauty salon Prague

Lublaňská 47, Nové Město, 120 00 Praha-Praha 2, Česká republika

Our mission in BeautyShape center is to restore the natural beauty of our clients without painful cosmetic treatments. To achieve that our cosmetic...

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